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Insurance Tips

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Insurance Tips

Please click on the links below to view some handy insurance tips we have assembled. As always, our staff will be happy to provide you with all of the information you need about the coverage we provide.


How to Prevent Vehicle Theft Top

Although you can not ensure your vehicle will not be stolen you can take a few easy steps to prevent the likelihood of it happening, by making it more difficult for a thief to steal your vehicle and its contents.

  • Always lock your vehicle
  • Never leave your keys in the vehicle
  • Turn off your ignition whenever you leave your car
  • Avoid parking on the street
  • Conceal items left in your car, keep things in the trunk and never leave money or other valuables in the open
  • Whenever possible, park your vehicle in a well-lit, well-guarded, highly visible area
  • Ask your neighbours to watch out for your vehicle and do the same for them
  • Install an anti-theft deterrent such as car alarms or an ignition disabler.

For tips and more information to help you avoid having your car broken into or stolen please contact the appropriate industry organization in your area.

Vehicle Safety and Maintenance Top

  • Read your vehicle owner’s manual to understand its maintenance needs.
  • Maintaining your vehicle according to the manufacturers recommended maintenance schedule will go a long way in extending the life of your vehicle and spotting minor problems before they become major repairs.
  • Have your vehicle checked by a qualified mechanic whenever you notice a change in braking or handling.
  • Consider taking a recognized driver safety course.

Brakes Top

Your brakes are obviously one of the most important components on your automobile. Proper care and regular maintenance is essential to protect both yourself and others from the potential harm caused by faulty brakes. Some signs that your brakes may be failing or require maintenance include:

  • The brakes squeal, grind or bang when applied. If this occurs you should immediately have your brakes checked
  • The car pulls to one side when you apply the brakes
  • The brakes stick or a loss of engine power when you are driving . Your brakes may not be releasing properly which can lead to total brake loss.
  • The brakes grab when lightly applied. This could be caused by loose or broken brake parts
  • The brakes need a lot of pressure to work or the pedal needs to be near the floor before it works. This may be a sign that your brakes are worn and replacement is necessary
  • The brake pedal, steering wheel or entire car vibrates when you step on the brakes

Child Restraint Safety Top

  • It is important to install a child’s restraint seat properly in order for it to be effective.
  • Read the manufacturer’s installation instructions thoroughly
  • Many police departments have programs to help with proper installation

For tips and information regarding child seat safety please contact the following organizations:

Road Safety Top

Road safety is an important issue on today’s crowded roadways. For statistics and information regarding road safety and its impact on social and medical costs please contact Transport Canada.

Airbags and Seatbelts

Airbags have been the topic of much discussion since they have become a standard feature with newer automobiles. For information and guidelines pertaining to use and safety issues of air bags please contact the following organizations:

Drinking and Driving Top

Drinking and driving has been the cause of many unfortunate accidents resulting in serious injuries and loss of life on our roadways. The following organizations can provide statistics and information pertaining to drinking and driving:

Cell Phones and Safety Top

Cell phones can be valuable equipment in a car when you need to call for assistance. However, they can also be a distraction if they are used while driving, and many jurisdictions are considering restrictions on cell phone use while driving.

For safety’s sake, don’t use your cell phone while driving. If you need to make a call, stop your car safely away from traffic before picking up the phone.

Preparing for Winter Driving Top

Canadians know that winter driving can be treacherous at the best of times. The following organizations can provide tips and information to help you prepare yourself and your vehicle for safe winter driving.

What to Do When You Are Involved in an Accident Top

Being involved in an accident can be a very stressful event. To help you protect both yourself and your interests, we have provided some basic hints:

  • Call the police immediately, and an ambulance if necessary.
  • Do not admit liability.
  • Record details of the accident including date, time, location, a description of the accident, any injuries, and any charges laid.
  • Record details concerning the other party and vehicle such as owner’s name and address, phone number, and vehicle year, make and model.
  • It is very important to obtain the insurance information of the other driver. This includes the name of the insurance company and the policy number and the name of the broker or agent.
  • Obtain a copy of the police report from the attending officer as this will have the accident report number for future reference.

These tips are general rules of thumb only, and may not fit all situations. For the definitive word, contact your insurance broker for more information.


General Commercial Crime Prevention Top

  • Ensure that all exterior doors have deadbolt locks with a minimum one inch bolt into the strike plate.
  • Secure exposed exterior door hinge pins to prevent their removal.
  • Protect all grade floor glass through the use of bars, metal screens or burglary resistant glazing materials.
  • Install a burglar alarm system which is monitored offsite. We recommend that the system be certified by Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC).
  • Continually check for unsafe work conditions and practices, and take prompt corrective action.
  • Provide a complement of serviced, multi-purpose fire extinguishers in your premises and instruct all staff in their use.

Protecting Your Computer Equipment Top

  • Clamp or lock PCs to desks/work stations. Security kits are available at nominal cost.
  • Backup data and programs on a regular basis and store them offsite in a secure location.
  • Laptop computers are portable and easy targets for theft. Do not leave them unsecured or unattended.
  • Maintain records of serial numbers for all of your computer equipment.

Business Interruption Prevention Top

  • Employ the services of a professional accountant to:
    • Prepare financial statements.
    • Perform an annual audit of your books.
  • Maintain a list of secondary suppliers of materials in the event your primary supplier suffers a loss.
  • Be prepared with a plan of action as to how you will continue to service your customers while your premises are being repaired after a loss. This will help you to avoid losing your customer base. Consider availability of temporary premises where you can resume operations immediately.
  • Reduce the physical and moral hazards of your business.
  • Duplicate your business records and store them off-site; in the event that your premises are damaged, you will have documents to substantiate any business interruption loss.

Contractors' Loss Prevention Tips Top

  • Focus on pre-job and pre-task planning. The principle of planning the work and working the plan should be followed.
  • All tools and equipment should be kept in a locked area at all times when not in use.
  • All tools should be stamped with an identification number to assist in recovery. Tools should be painted with bright, easily recognizable colours to ease in their identification.
  • Any onsite storage of materials should be in a secure storage area. Where the materials are considered a high target, they should be kept inside a building in a locked area or brought to the site only when they are needed.
  • Warning signs should be posted limiting access and indicating the safety equipment required to gain entry.
  • All electrical cords that pass through pedestrian areas should be secured so that tripping is avoided.
  • All mud or water on public traffic areas should be cleaned regularly.
  • The local utilities should be contacted to locate underground services in the event that any excavations are to be performed.
  • All flammable liquids used should be stored in approved safety containers.
  • All hotwork should be controlled. Combustibles should be removed at least 11 metres from the hotwork. If this is not possible non-combustible shields should be used. A fire watch should be provided for at least a half-hour after the hotwork is completed. All hotwork permit regulations must be followed.
  • All combustible refuse created during the work should be cleaned up regularly. Oily rags should be separated and stored in metal containers with tight fitting lids.
  • Fire extinguishers of the appropriate type should be available at all times.
  • Certificates of liability should be obtained from all subcontractors to ensure they are maintaining adequate liability coverage.
  • All new equipment should be tested and inspected when the work is completed. Customers should signoff the job once complete.
  • Ensure that the project complies with all applicable codes and standards.
  • Records of all jobs including plans, testing documents and approvals should be maintained.

Office Loss Prevention Tips Top

  • Avoid overloading of electrical outlets, particularly in older buildings equipped with fuses instead of circuit breakers.
  • If existing electrical service is inadequate, ensure that any required electrical modifications are done by a professional electrician.
  • Ensure that life and safety features such as fire alarms, exit signs and emergency lights are operational and serviced as per applicable fire code specifications.
  • Clean all spills or wet floors immediately, post signs warning of wet or damp floors and check floor surfaces for potential hazards on a regular basis. Non-slip rugs should be used during the winter months.

Commercial Vehicles Loss Prevention Tips Top

  • Be SELECTIVE when hiring drivers for your vehicles by obtaining pre-employment checks on all employees. Your vehicles should be suitable for the type of work you do and the relative experience of your drivers. A safety conscious driver, with a clean driving and operating record, is the key to reducing the risk of personal injury to the driver and passengers as well as any damage or injury to others.
  • Drivers should NEVER pick up hitchhikers or allow anyone who is not authorized by the OWNER, to ride in the vehicle.
  • Proper MAINTENANCE improves road safety and should be completed by experienced and qualified mechanics. Regular maintenance schedules and records should be kept to prevent accidents caused by unexpected mechanical failures.
  • Inspect your vehicle every day against a standardized checklist. Keep your vehicle equipped with a flashlight, good spare tire, jack and flares in case of emergencies.
  • Proper USE of vehicles extends the life of your vehicle as well as preventing damage to the property of others. Drive on well-maintained and well-travelled roads. Travel at speeds that are not in excess of the posted speed limit. Properly secured loads prevent your load from spilling on the roadways causing damage to others. Improper loading or overloading leads to load shift and/or upset or rollover. Vehicles should only be used for their intended purpose.
  • Always lock your vehicle and take the keys with you, even if it is only for a few minutes.
  • Never leave the engine running while your vehicle is unattended.
  • Safeguard your keys – NEVER keep your vehicle keys or business keys on the same key ring and NEVER attach identification tags to them.
  • Valuable items exposed to view are an invitation to thieves, e.g. log books, delivery schedules, cash, cheques. Drivers should NEVER reveal the contents of their vehicles, their loads, their destination or leave their loads unattended.
  • Deliveries should not be made unless the receiving party signs them for.
  • Parking in well-lit areas is important for personal safety and for the protection of your vehicle and cargo. Keep your vehicle in a locked garage or protected location when not in use.
  • Choose your anti-theft devices carefully. There are many types of anti-theft devices available to protect your vehicle and cargo. Choose the mechanical device, alarm or electronic immobilizer that is best suited to protect your vehicle and cargo.

Repair Garage Loss Prevention Tips Top

  • Establish, post and strictly enforce a rule forbidding customers from entering the service bay area. By establishing a clean, safe waiting area for customers, you will significantly reduce the possibility of “slip and fall” types of losses. An added benefit is that customers will not disturb your mechanics while they are working on vehicles.
  • Ensure that you always get signed customer work orders that outline the authorized repairs. This will eliminate any disputes as to the work that was authorized by the customer.
  • When preparing a customer’s work order, all completed repairs should be listed along with all recommended repairs declined by the customer; the customer should sign-off the work order. Including declined recommendations in the work order could protect you from a potential liability loss.
  • Make sure that the front, rear and interior of your business premises are well lit, particularly when closed for business.
  • When overnight storage of customers’ vehicles is necessary, they should be stored inside if possible. If outside storage of vehicles is required on a regular basis, the area should be well lit, adequately fenced and padlocked overnight.
  • Establish a key control procedure with employees to limit access to customers’ keys. Keys should be kept under lock and key, within your office premises. This will reduce the accessibility of keys to potential thieves and vandals, reducing the possibility of customers’ vehicles being stolen or vandalized.
  • Limit the amount of cash in the till by using a safe or money-limiting device. Make regular bank deposits, varying the time of deposits and the route taken.
  • Ensure that you maintain accurate inventory records for all stock, including tools, automobile parts and miscellaneous retail items. In the event of a theft loss, accurate records will make it easier for the insurance adjuster to settle your claim fairly, quickly and equitably.
  • Obtain driver abstracts for all employees on a regular basis. This will help you to determine which employees should be test-driving customers’ vehicles.
  • Establish guidelines for employees as to when and who is permitted to test drive customers’ vehicles.
  • Ensure that test drives follow a predetermined route, in areas that have relatively light vehicular and pedestrian traffic. This can significantly reduce your chance of suffering a loss with a customer’s vehicle.

Retail Loss Prevention Tips Top

  • Never store combustible material, such as cardboard or paper, near heaters or electrical equipment and remove combustible waste on a regular basis.
  • In sprinklered buildings, keep stock more than 18 inches below the sprinkler heads, so as not to interfere with the system’s effectiveness in the event of a fire.
  • Avoid overloading of electrical outlets, particularly in older buildings equipped with fuses instead of circuit breakers.
  • Keep all of your stock off the floor, stored on skids, shelves, or racks.
  • Make sure the front, rear and interior of your business premises are well lit, particularly when closed for business.
  • Arrange the interior layout of the store so that the till area is clearly visible from the exterior of the building.
  • Limit the amount of cash in the till by using a safe or money-limiting device.
  • If your store is open long hours, consider the installation of closed circuit television cameras and hold-up alarms.
  • Make regular bank deposits, but vary the timing of the deposits and the route taken.
  • Install anti-shoplifting devices and surveillance equipment or keep high priced merchandise under lock and key in display cases.
  • Ensure that life and safety features such as fire alarms, exit signs and emergency lights are operational and serviced as per applicable fire code specifications.
  • Do not block exits with stock or equipment. Ensure that all exit doors are unlocked during store hours.

Slip and Fall Loss Prevention Tips Top

  • Inspect the interior of your premises on a regular basis for unsafe conditions that could lead to a slip & fall loss. Maintain a daily log of when the inspection was done, what conditions were noted and what corrective action was taken.
  • Floors should be kept clean and in good repair at all times, with loose or defective flooring being replaced immediately.
  • Ensure that aisles are kept clear and free of fallen merchandise or stock. (e.g. fruit, vegetables, clothes etc.)
  • During periods of inclement weather, all entrances should have mats or rugs to help keep the floor clean and dry. Damaged mats should be replaced as soon as possible.
  • Non-slip wax should be used on floor surfaces, where required.
  • Water and other spills should be mopped up immediately and a Caution-Wet Floor sign should be posted.
  • For surfaces that are consistently slippery, specialized non-slip epoxy coatings or non-skid flooring materials may be used.
  • For spills involving oil or other industrial materials, absorbent non-combustible cleaning materials should be used.
  • Ensure that all entranceways and aisles are clear of obstructions and/or promotional displays.
  • Inspect the exterior of your premises on a regular basis for unsafe conditions that could lead to a slip & fall loss. Maintain a daily log of when the inspection was done, what conditions were noted and what corrective action was taken.
  • Any damage to stairs, sidewalks and pavement should be repaired as soon as possible, with signs and barriers posted, until such time as repairs are completed.
  • A snow and ice removal program should be implemented and adhered to, with a single individual having responsibility for the program.
  • Have the appropriate equipment, tools and materials available for use by your staff, in the case of a weather related emergency. e.g. shovels, salt, sand etc.
  • Professional snow removal contractors should be contracted to plow, sand and salt your parking and walkway facilities. Ensure that the contractor keeps a comprehensive log of the work performed.
  • Clean gutters and downspouts and ensure that melt water is directed away from sidewalks and walkways. Check that exterior lighting is adequate and check on a regular basis for malfunctioning light fixtures.
  • Establish and maintain a daily garbage removal program, whereby the walkways and sidewalks are swept and the debris removed on a regular basis.


Crime Prevention Tips Top

Burglary is always a crime of opportunity. Here are some interesting facts you should know about burglary:

  • Studies show that most burglars attack during the daytime when dense bushes and trees protect them from view, and the building appears unoccupied
  • One-third of burglars enter from the basement
  • One-third of burglars force entry through a window or door
  • One-third of burglars gain access from an unlocked/open door or window

To best protect your home, look at it from a burglar’s perspective. What are the vulnerable parts? If you take a few simple and inexpensive steps to make sure your home is not an attractive target, you’ll greatly reduce your chances of becoming a victim.

The following are some tips to help you prevent a burglar from entering your home:

Tips for Inside your Home Top

The goal of indoor crime proofing is to secure your premises, and to make them appear occupied at all times. Here are a few simple tips:

  • Secure your premises.
    • Close blinds and curtains at night so that a burglar can’t scope your belongings.
    • Lock all doors and windows before leaving.
    • Lock windows so that they can’t be opened from the outside. If they can’t be locked, you can pin them by drilling a hole through both window frames and inserting a bolt or metal pin. The pin must be easily removable for emergency situations.
    • Home burglar alarm systems are a great deterrent. Even if you have an alarm system, don’t neglect the other security measures available to you. An alarm provides an extra layer of security, but is no replacement for good common sense. Alarm owners should still do what they can to make sure their home is not an attractive target for thieves.
  • Make your home look occupied at all times.
    • Use timers to maintain normal lighting patterns.
    • Leave a radio on when you are away from your home for short periods of time.
  • Protect your valuables.
    • Consider marking your valuables indelibly (engraved) with your drivers licence or social insurance number.
    • Take an inventory of your home with a videotape and/or photographs.
    • Keep jewellery and negotiables in a safety deposit box or an unlikely place (i.e. Not your bedroom).

Tips for Outside Your Home Top

There are many things that you can do to the exterior of your house or in the yard to deter burglars and make it more difficult to force entry.

  • Keep your shrubbery cut back so that it doesn’t block windows and doors.
  • Secure window air conditioners from the inside.
  • Illuminate as much of your property as possible.
  • Exterior doors should be solid, not hollow. Metal doors provide the best protection against forced entry.
  • Use a fencing style that would not conceal a burglar’s activities. Remember if you can’t see out, others can’t see in.
  • Secure any glass that is less than 40′ from a door lock. Either coat exterior glass with an acrylic or polycarbonate to strengthen, or replace with laminated or tempered glass.
  • Door hinges that are on the outside should have a non-removable center pin that can’t be tampered with.
  • Install deadbolt locks.
  • Dogs are great deterrents to burglars. Even a strategically placed “Beware of Dog” sticker can make a burglar think twice. Of course, vicious dogs are never a good idea. If your dog bites someone, you might find yourself in court. A dog that barks is better than one that bites.
  • Place hinged security bars over basement windows. Remember to keep the key nearby for emergency exits.
  • Pin sliding patio doors together when closed. Another easy security step is to drill a hole in the upper track and insert a screw that extends out into the runner to prevent the door from being lifted up and out of its track.
  • Ensure that a burglar cannot access the roof from high trees or a ladder left outside.
  • Install security camera outside your home.

What NOT to Do Top

  • Don’t put up a nameplate outside of your house with your full name. A burglar can use this information to look up your number in the phone book and call to see if you are home.
  • Don’t leave a note on the door or in the mailbox telling a friend/family member that you aren’t home.
  • Don’t leave spare keys in an obvious place such as the mailbox or under the front door mat. This makes it very easy for a burglar to rob your house quickly without forcing entry.
  • Don’t leave cash and handbags in view in your home.
  • Don’t leave any doors unlocked when you are at the other end of the house or in the yard.

Going on Vacation Top

If you are going on vacation it is especially important to make your home appear inhabited. To fully protect your home you will need to enlist the help of trusted neighbours, family and friends. Here are some things that you can do:

  • Stop all mail delivery.
  • Arrange for a neighbour to cut the grass or shovel snow.
  • Cancel all deliveries during the time you will be away.
  • Maintain normal lighting patterns by using electronic timers.
  • Ask a neighbour to put one of their garbage bags in front of your house on collection day.
  • Leave a radio on, with a timer if necessary to simulate normal use.
  • Ask a neighbour to park in your driveway.
  • Arrange for neighbours to pick up flyers.
  • Don’t talk about your vacation plans with strangers or service people.
  • Use your work address on your luggage tags so a potential burglar won’t know where your empty house is.
  • If practical, remove valuables from your home. Small valuables should be stored in a safety deposit box.
  • Lock garage door.
  • Don’t post on social media that you are going away on vacation.

Note: Before you leave, you should tell someone you trust:

  • That you will be away
  • How long you will be absent
  • Whether or not you will have a house sitter
  • The number where you can be reached

What to Do if Your House is Broken Into Top

Despite your best efforts, a burglar may still penetrate your home. If you return to find that your house has been robbed:

  • Don’t stay – Always think of your safety first
  • Never confront a burglar or block the exit route
  • Go immediately to a neighbour’s home or nearby location and phone the police

Our Offices

We service all of Ontario, please feel free to contact us at any of our offices.

Toronto Office

897 Kipling Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M8Z 5H3
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Sudbury Office

530 Lasalle Boulevard
Sudbury, Ontario, P3A 1W9
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